Acupuncture Therapy
Call (908) 688-7373 or Contact Us to Request an Appointment

Acupuncture in Union, NJ
Antonelli Family Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Center

Acupuncture in Union, NJVisit our certified in acupuncturist in our Union,, New Jersey rehabilitation facility.  Acupuncture can be effective in treating illnesses, injuries, chronic pain, addictions, anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems, menstrual cramps, weight control, infertility and much, much more.

We often use acupuncture as an adjunct therapy to our comprehensive menu of chiropractic services. The proof of acupuncture’s effectiveness is in its longevity.  The earliest written record of acupuncture dates back to 200 BCE.

According to Chinese Medicine, energy in our bodies flow through channels called meridians.  This energy called Qi, pronounced as “chee”, can get blocked and out of balance, leading to illness.  These blockages can be caused by external factors (such as cold, damp weather, physical trauma, etc.) or internal factors (such as stress, unhealthy diets, etc.).  The very fine acupuncture needles placed on identified points, assist to unblock the Qi and bring us back to balance. There is no western medical explanation for Qi;  however, there is over 5,000 years of empirical evidence proving the effectiveness of acupuncture.

What can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture can treat a myriad of symptoms and conditions including:

  • Allergies
  • Fibromyalgia
  • IBS
  • Sciatica
  • Chronic Headache

and the list goes on and on…

lupus, celiac disease, thyroid disease, high blood pressure, palpitations, poor circulation, rapid heart beat, back pain, shoulder pain, nausea, excessive hunger, bloating, eczema, rashes, hives, dry skin, acne, frequent colds, sinusitis, sore throat, tinnitus, menopausal symptoms, PMS, PCOS, fertility, trigeminal pain, Bell’s Patsy, post stroke support, numbness difficulty breathing, cough, asthma, COPD and much more.

Acupuncture in Union, NJ at Antonelli Family Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Center

Visit our chiropractic and pain rehabilitation clinic in the heart of Union, NJ at 2116 Morris Ave., Union, NJ 07083 or contact us to book your next appointment: (908) 688-7373.  We gladly accept many insurance plans including Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicare, Landmark, QualCare, Magnacare, United Healthcare, Guardian, Oxford, Aenta, Cigna, Emblem, PPO’s and HMO’s.


Additional Non-Invasive Treatment Modalities Utilized at Our Clinic

Request Your Next Appointment (908) 688-7373

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